Monday, April 26, 2010

Reorganizing and Purging

As I was scanning other people's blogs this morning I noticed a theme - we all seem to be reorganizing our sewing rooms.  Well, it is spring, a natural time to clear out the debris of winter, throw open the windows and let the fresh air (and pollen!) into our lives.

I admit, I have a clutter problem.  I get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of supplies I have.  Maybe I am afraid if I put it away "too well" I'll never find it again.  That's been known to happen.  Then, I buy another one.......  However, after our two moves in three months this winter and new wood floors in my sewing room (and the rest of the house), I am motivated to declutter my life.  Throughout the whole house as I have unpacked our belongings, I have tried to rid us of as much stuff as possible.

It is simply amazing, isn't it, how much stuff we can accumulate.  What is important to keep for sentimental reasons or as future treasures for the next generation to cherish?  I think of my maternal grandmother, who didn't like to save anything.  This fact is amazing in light of the fact that she was raised in the Depression.  However, I couldn't begin to count the number of times I've heard my mother say, "Momma threw that out.  She didn't want to keep that old stuff."  She gave away her grandmother's treadle sewing machine, all the tatting that my great-great grandmother did, even all the hand-carved fishing lures her husband made over the years.  Where is the balance between getting rid of simply everything in favor of "new" and ending up like one of these people on Hoarding:  Buried Alive, the new show on TLC.

What will my kids treasure after I am gone?  Will they value the antique garments I have collected?  Those precious articles were not valued by someone else's child as they ended up on eBay!  Now, I also know stuff is just stuff, it won't go to Heaven with me ('cause I'm not moving it again!).   But what criteria to determine what to keep and what to give?  Someone gave away a precious Ayrshire christening gown or this lovely, hand sewn bonnet from a shop in New Orleans.

Under the guise of organizing my sewing room, it is taking me longer than I anticipated to get everything put away.  I question every piece, spend too much time wondering about the most efficient way to store everything and ultimately, get frustrated and tired, and go do something else.

So, my question is, how do you organize your sewing room?  How long should it take to get it all picked up and put away?  What is vital and to be kept, and what can be given to the next appreciative owner?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quick update

Ooooo, sorry, sorry, sorry it's been so long.  My last post was in January?  Yipes.  A quick update on the last three months.  We've moved back home, my best friend was diagnosed with lung cancer, I've been to a sewing workshop with my guild, both my kids have had birthdays, almost finished the renovations at the house and my aunt died yesterday morning.  I have sewn a little, and that's ramping up soon.  I'd actually gone to check another blog when I decided I should at least post something.  I promise, more later!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh, Sewing Machine I've Missed You So!

Sorry so long between posts.  The last time I wrote, we were moving to the hotel.  We stayed in the hotel for 17 days.  Thankfully, a dear friend has rental property and it was going to be available before Christmas.  I didn't want to spend Christmas in the hotel.  They were wonderful there, but it's just not a home.  Even a rented home is better than two rooms, four people and a 70lb. German Shepherd.

We finished moving, or should I say, Service Master finished moving the things we were bringing to the rent house on December 21.  The hardest decision on what to bring and what to store had to involve my sewing room and my "toys".  I'm a packrat anyway, and always WAYYYY overpack for trips that we take.  However, when it got down to the end, I was scrambling so that I was just throwing things in boxes for the trip across town.  In the beginning, I was carefully packing, organizing, categorizing, etc.  Now I am floor to ceiling, wall-to-wall 3-drawer plastic storage units, several huge clear plastic tubs, moving boxes and two wooden cabinets I brought from the house.

BUT, I have finally cleared a space, set up a small table, set up my Viking, got out my scissor block, ironing board, steam generator and portable cutting table.  My world is right again for a while.  It ain't fancy but I'll take it!  I think even the cats feel the world is right again.  They usually hang out with me in the sewing room all day long.  So much so that I go through lint-rollers very quickly!  After I set up the machine, Tigger decided he would come back, braving dog-exposure and hazardous perches.  This is where I have found him the last two days.

He's been hugging the machine for dear life.  I'm sure he's thinking as long as the big white thread toy is in place things might be OK.  Or, he just likes the warmth.  It doesn't matter.  It makes me feel more like I'm home.

I'm finishing up an alteration for one of my favorite kid sitters.  She is on the Basketball Homecoming Court.  I was going to make her dress but she is one of the pickiest girls about fabric choices.  For someone who does not sew she has very unusual tastes in fabrics and styles.  We were running out of time for me to order fabric and get a dress made, so thankfully she found one.  Just needed a bit of alteration for modesty sake.  Hopefully, I can pin her down (literally and figuratively!) with a fabric choice for prom so that I can get it ordered.

I always have about 20 projects on my board at a time.   After I finish this alteration I will move onto a Cotillion Formal dress for Paige.  Thankfully, she already picked her fabric and dress style, sketches are drawn, measurements taken, muslin began.  I'm so anxious to actually SEW something.  From scratch.  Squeeze the creative sponge to see what comes out.  Play with fabrics.  Thread a needle.  Assemble project supplies.  Sigh..........  I know you all know exactly what I am saying.

Well, none of those things will happen if I don't get off the computer, finish the last of the alteration for Landy, finish paying bills, picking out items for the restoration going on at my house (another story!), updating my website, mailing orders, yada yada yada yada.......

Have a great day Friends!!