Thursday, November 26, 2009

To Nana's House We Go - NO!

I couldn't get this song out of my head this afternoon......

"Over the hills and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go....."

We were loaded, finally, only 30 minutes behind our drop-dead, have-to-be on the road time (pretty good for us!), everyone was in their places, even the dog and.....................nothing.  Dead battery.
Oh, knew I forgot something this week!

We've been having problems with the battery in the Yukon.  I've had to use my OnStar service several times to get my battery jump started.  I really meant to get that taken care of this week........
However, two sick children, travelling husband, very torn up house, and a very tired momma, and it just didn't happen.
But, we have a new battery NOW!  After the nice Pop-A-Lock man came to my house again (we've been on speed dial), my sweet DH toddled off to Sears to get a new battery installed.

We'll try again in the morning, at an insanely early time, to make it over the highway and down the road, to Louisiana to Nana's house in time for Thanksgiving dinner at 12:30 pm.

I am thankful for all of you, friends, and thankful to the Lord for the blessings He has given me in family and friends.

Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday with the special people in your life!

(told you it's never boring at my house!  ;-} )

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